Thomson Reuters

The platforms of 2012: Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters has refrained from making the major changes to its FX platforms that rival EBS has made in recent years, but that allegedly unresponsive approach has to some extent been vindicated by the challenges EBS has faced. In the latest in a…

FX committees prepare for platform proliferation

Monitoring trading volumes in the foreign exchange market is an important priority for the central bank-sponsored FX committees, but if liquidity fragments across a handful of new trading platforms, could that analysis become more difficult? Miriam Siers…

The platforms of 2012: TraFXpure

When it launches next year, TraFXpure hopes to become a primary trading platform in the FX market, alongside EBS and Thomson Reuters. While that’s a tall order in today’s environment, Tradition’s Daniel Marcus, Campbell Adams and Roger Rutherford believe…

The future frontier of FX trading

At the FX Week USA conference in New York on July 10, FX Week gathered together three recipients of the e-FX achievement award – Jas Singh at Thomson Reuters (2009); Clifford Lewis at Currenex (2010); and Gil Mandelzis at EBS (2012) – to discuss the…

Standards multiply as FX TCA takes hold

Increased choice in FX transaction cost analysis (TCA) is giving asset owners more tools to measure the performance of liquidity providers, custodians and trading algos. However, with more opportunities for real-time data capture driving a diversity of…

Sprint to the finish line for would-be Sefs

With the clock ticking ever closer towards the G-20’s end-of-2012 deadline for implementation of over-the-counter derivatives market reforms, and some of the critical details of those reforms still not fully fleshed out, the scene is set for an almighty…