Robert Mackenzie Smith

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Articles by Robert Mackenzie Smith

Training traders

What role does emotion play in the decision-making process of traders, and can they be trained to better manage their emotions? Saxo Bank believes they can, and is developing a process to support that training. Robert Mackenzie Smith reports

Technology key for Saxo at 20

Saxo Bank celebrated its 20th birthday last month by flying its staff out to Egypt for a celebration in front of the Pyramids, hosted by co-founders Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen. Robert Mackenzie Smith meets them in Copenhagen

The platforms of 2012: TraFXpure

When it launches next year, TraFXpure hopes to become a primary trading platform in the FX market, alongside EBS and Thomson Reuters. While that’s a tall order in today’s environment, Tradition’s Daniel Marcus, Campbell Adams and Roger Rutherford believe…

Who picks up the tab for regulation costs?

Many buy-side firms expect their banks to absorb the costs associated with clearing and reporting of non-deliverable forwards and eventually forex options. But banks have other ideas, with some already quantifying fairly substantial hikes in…

Spotlight on: Drew Niv, FXCM

FXCM’s co-founder and chief executive talks to Robert Mackenzie Smith about the challenges facing the foreign exchange market in 2012, as well as the company’s new initiatives, including the FastMatch platform and the 50% stake it has acquired in Lucid…