Trading Systems

The platforms of 2012: Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters has refrained from making the major changes to its FX platforms that rival EBS has made in recent years, but that allegedly unresponsive approach has to some extent been vindicated by the challenges EBS has faced. In the latest in a…

The platforms of 2012: TraFXpure

When it launches next year, TraFXpure hopes to become a primary trading platform in the FX market, alongside EBS and Thomson Reuters. While that’s a tall order in today’s environment, Tradition’s Daniel Marcus, Campbell Adams and Roger Rutherford believe…

The platforms of 2012: Gain GTX

Two-and-a-half years after its launch as a subsidiary of Gain Capital, the GTX platform is gathering steam and now trades average daily volumes of up to $8 billion. In the latest in a series of articles assessing the challenges facing new and existing…

The platforms of 2012: LMAX Exchange

The launch of new trading platforms and the restructuring of incumbents has become a clear trend in the foreign exchange market in 2012. In the first of a series of articles seeking to assess the strategies and challenges of new and existing platforms,…

The future frontier of FX trading

At the FX Week USA conference in New York on July 10, FX Week gathered together three recipients of the e-FX achievement award – Jas Singh at Thomson Reuters (2009); Clifford Lewis at Currenex (2010); and Gil Mandelzis at EBS (2012) – to discuss the…

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