FXall's Weisberg wins e-FX achievement award

Joel Clark introduces full coverage of the 2011 e-FX Awards winners, including Phil Weisberg for achievement award, SG CIB for bank e-FX initiative of the year and CLS Aggregation for vendor e-FX initiative of the year

End-users support central clearing

NEW YORK - The push for central clearing is increasingly being driven by end-users seeking operational efficiencies, rather than regulators, according to Jason Vitale, global head of dbClear FX at Deutsche Bank in New York.

CFTC rules increase credit risk

NEW YORK - Proposed rules to limit leverage on margin FX trading accounts at retail forex brokers will have the unintended consequence of increasing counterparty risk, according to Josh Levy, managing director at Tactical Asset Management.

Post-trade innovation set to drive up volumes

NEW YORK - Post-trade functions will become more important in foreign exchange trading operations as the FX market evolves through greater use of high-frequency trading, according to speakers at the FX Week USA conference on July 13.