
Testing the limits

Thomson Reuters Spot Matching suffered a major outage last month, with trading unavailable on any currency pairs for four hours. Chiara Albanese speaks to FX trading platforms to assess how they test their technology to prevent such outages

RBC to roll out decimalisation on FX Direct

RBC Capital Markets plans to launch decimalised pricing in the second half of the year on its single-dealer platform, FX Direct, bringing it into line with banks including Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Citi and Barclays Capital.

Hotspot continues volume growth

JERSEY CITY – Hotspot FX reported a record month in May, with average daily volumes reaching $48.7 billion – double count [??] – up from $19.4 billion in May last year.

Hotspot extends reach

JERSEY CITY, NJ - Agency broker and market-maker Knight Capital Group has connected foreign exchange and fixed-income trading platforms - HotSpot FX and BondPoint, respectively - to the Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) network from NYSE…